Lake Tahoe, CA. Pictures

Publié le par C&N

Because my last post dealt mainly with our camping experiment and I've realised that I did not post many pictures of the Lake in my previous article... here are a few more:

Lake Tahoe, CA-15 

Lake Tahoe, CA-29 

Lake Tahoe, CA-59 

Lake Tahoe, CA-70 

Lake Tahoe, CA-51

Fallen Leaf Lake, near our camping site

Lake Tahoe, CA-33

Lake Tahoe, CA-32

Lake Tahoe, CA-34


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<br /> superbe<br /> <br /> <br />
<br /> toujours de magnifiques photos, merci de nous faire voyager!! Avez vous prevu un sejour en Europe pour 2011?<br /> Bizz<br /> <br /> <br />